Trubok Clothing | Victory Trading Bldg 15 Brickfield Rd, Salt River, Cape Town 7925, Western Cape


Trubok Clothing

Victory Trading Bldg 15 Brickfield Rd, Salt River, Cape Town 7925, Western Cape

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About Trubok Clothing

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Trubok is the leading supplier in South Africa of quality clothing to the retail trade, serving both the major clothing retail groups and independent boutique retailers. The Trubok name is renowned throughout the clothing industry for excellence in design and manufacturing, as well as our superior logistical and distribution capability ensuring high levels of customer service and satisfaction.Established in the 1930s as a family-owned business, the success of the Trubok brand lies in a tradition of eight decades of fine craftsmanship and uncompromising quality, as well as a large complement of skilled and dedicated staff some of whom have been with the company for decades and all of whom have an unerring passion for the rag trade. With a sound track record as reliable distributor of value-for-money clothing including locally-manufactured and imported lines Trubok owns significant market share as the preferred supplier to the majority of menswear outfitters and large clothing retailers in South Afri

Victory Trading Bldg 15 Brickfield Rd, Salt River, Cape Town 7925, Western Cape



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