Samtech Electronics | 27 Hurd Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth) 6055, Eastern Cape

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Samtech Electronics

27 Hurd Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth) 6055, Eastern Cape

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About Samtech Electronics

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With appliances and electronics becoming more affordable by the day, there¿s really no valid reason to skimp on professional appliance installation services. And for most electrical work ¿ from air con installation to washing machines ¿ it¿s essential to consult a licensed, experienced appliance installer less you lose money, see your newly bought appliances permanently damaged, or even worse, your already existing home or office taking a hard knock. To reinforce this vital lesson ¿ unlicensed electrical work isn¿t only illegal, but is almost always incredibly unsafe.

27 Hurd Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth) 6055, Eastern Cape



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