Pisces Swimming Academy | 35 Keal Rd, Sydenham, Durban 4001,


Pisces Swimming Academy

35 Keal Rd, Sydenham, Durban 4001,

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About Pisces Swimming Academy

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Pisces Swimming Academy has been in operation for more than two decades. They have been serving the Sydenam community giving years of dedication, sweat and hard bargaining to maintain a vehicle commissioned to serve the children in the area of aquatic safety and development. Since its birth in 1976 hard work and dedication went into the successful Pisces Swimming Academy that you find today. Pisces Swimming Academy boasts the most extensive learn to swim programme, in the country, that is co-ordinated by one Club with approximately 800 pupils currently having swimming lessons

35 Keal Rd, Sydenham, Durban 4001,



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